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Great intro! I've been exposed to some of these writings over the years, but to have them listed all in one place for reference is a priceless resource. Thank you, Sterlin.

If you've never read Kim Stanley Robinson's novel _Years of Rice and Salt_, there's a chapter "Warp and Weft", that describes a social order (based on a possibly-ahistorical account of Shoshone governance) wherein intertribal warfare is tempered by membership in matrilineal clans. It's been many years since I read it, but it had a strong influence on my thinking about panarchy and what you're calling network states. I consider the "tribe" to be the neighborhood where one lives, which needs to be defended, and the clans to be one's membership in various communities, on- and offline. In a strong warp-and-weft fabric, open warfare between tribes could never arise. Communication between clans would always diffuse it.

I realize I'm probably not making any sense. Maybe if I ever refine my ideas well enough, I'll write a substack about it...

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