My position is that the only authentic human transcendent experience, is the spiritual one, which speaks of it as sacred, and godly. This alternative fabricated experience being spoken of, is technically not even human anymore.

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Personally, I am not sure how a metaphyiscal expereince is even less fabricated than a digital experience. I would argue that the digital might be closer to bridging the divide between the physical and mental. In this sense, we have to ask what does a "fabricated expierence" actually suggest?

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No. I do no not agree. Technology removes us from authentic experience and expression no matter how contrived.

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I don't speak in those terms but I comprehend you. Consciousness is on a sacred evolutionary journey to reduce it's entropy. It is arguable that biotechnologies can enhance it but my analysis is that it curtails it. There may be consciousnesses that can be downloaded into AI, except as we speak, they are unlike anything you can imagine. Also, be careful what you wish for. This sounds more like John Dee conjuring spirits and demons.

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